Snow Day – Fun Things To Do

The birds enjoying all the food we put out for them.

The birds enjoying all the food we put out for them.

Greetings from a VERY Snowy New England,

Whether you are a lover of snow or not, sometimes we all need a snow day. Today, we all have an excuse to lounge around in our pajamas, cook some comfort food and maybe squeeze in a little reading time. ( I have been reading Gone Girl for about 2 months, simply unacceptable. Maybe today I will finish… fingers crossed. )


The birds enjoying our feeder.

The birds enjoying our feeder.

Hunter is only 4 months old, so no winter activities for my little guy. But I love seeing photos of kids playing in the snow. It reminds me of my childhood here in Connecticut. I cannot wait until we can take Hunter sledding, skiing and snowmobiling – nothing better then New England in the winter, simply beautiful!

Relaxing w mommy - no heels here today!

Relaxing w mommy – no heels here today!

Enjoying a winter's nap.

Enjoying a winter’s nap.

Here is my top 5 list of FUN things to do on a snow day!

  1. Unleash the crockpot. You know, the one your Aunt bought you for your bridal shower? It has been collecting dust for too long. There are so many fabulous things you can make with basic ingredients in your kitchen. My Crockpot experiment? A rotisserie chicken, no fuss, no mess and ready in 5 hours. I have all day long to wait. We are not going anywhere.
  2. Curl up on the couch and read a book. We all have a book we have been dying to read. I have a Kindle, but there is nothing like a REAL book. Reading is relaxing and gives us mom’s an opportunity to escape. And it pairs FABULOUSLY with a cup of hot chocolate. So hand the baby over to dad, and find a little hiding spot. Go…now!
  3. Bake cookies! Need I say anymore? Your kids will thank you, your hubby will thank you and then you can take the rest to work tomorrow, so you don’t feel tempted to eat them all week. Plus, who doesn’t love baking with mom and licking the spoon? ( Do kids still do that? I sure do)
  4. Spa Treatment. Winter can be harsh on our hair and skin. A snow day is a great opportunity to give your body a little extra oomph. For my lips, I create a little sugar scrub with coconut oil and granulated sugar. Rub the mixture on your lips then rub your lips together. Any dead skin cells come right off and will leave your lips silky smooth. Coconut oil is also great for your hair. Rub some oil on your split ends, let it sit for a few hours and shower. You will be amazed at how silky and shiny your hair will become.
  5. Write a letter. Yes, a letter. It seems unheard of these days with emails and texts. But it is something I actually enjoy doing. It can be something as simple as a card to a loved one or a note to an old friend. You will feel good when you send it and the recipient will be even happier when they receive it. (Love letters are fun too – slip it under your sweetie’s pillow) xo



Most importantly, enjoy this day with your family! These are the type of days you never forget. So kick back, relax and enjoy, once you’re done shoveling yourself out! hah!

Here are some pics from our snow day.


Having fun in the snow.

Having fun in the snow.

Daddy getting ready to plow.

Daddy getting ready to plow.




“We Worry About Tommorrow, Like it is Promised.”

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Every day we live is a gift. Tomorrow is never promised. Each moment, precious time.

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There are things in life that are truly eye opening. Last night, I almost lost the man I love most in this world, in just a matter of seconds. We were out to dinner and Brian started choking. He was absolutely helpless. Although I tried to give him the heimlich, I was too small to get my arms completely around him.It was then a nurse, who was dining in the same restaurant, jumped to his feet and saved Brian’s life. There are angels who live above us and among us. Just when you think things couldn’t get worse,  on our way home, our car started to lose control on black ice. There was nothing we could do. It was then, another miracle occurred, we swerved all over the road, spun left and right, and ended up completely straight on the road and unharmed. There are angels, there are miracles and I am forever grateful. #godisgood #blessed


Getting Back on Track…One Day at a Time!


Oy vey…the dreaded post baby body…I don’t even know where to begin. Let’s face it, we can’t all look like Heidi Klum right after we give birth. I mean, is she even human? She looked unbelievable just a month after delivery.

Why didn't I look like this post-op? LOL

Why didn’t I look like this post-op? LOL

I admit, it has been hard on this mama, battling the pregnancy bulge. I imagined the extra weight would just fall off, but I soon realized I was not going to get my body back without a fight! Weight Watchers meals and water with lemon doesn’t cut it, hard work and dedication does.

To be fair to my body, I enjoyed 4 wonderful months of maternity leave and although it was amazing, my health and wellness were the last things on my mind. I spent many days at home taking care of Hunter, watching mindless T.V. taking very little time for myself. When I decided to go back to work, I knew that I had to make fitness a part of my weekly lifestyle. And so I did!

I know, it’s hard to find time for yourself. But I promise, somehow you can scrape it from your schedule. The timing may not be ideal, but it is important to set aside time for just yourself, no baby, no interruptions! Whether it’s going for a walk with weights or hitting the gym, you need to reserve the time.

Motivation is also key. It is easy to get distracted from your goals and brush off your time for working out and eating healthy. Luckily, I have a co-worker who keeps me in check. She will email me and ask what I have done this week as far as work outs and what I am eating, etc. And I do the same for her. We also remind each other why we started. Personally, I just want to feel and look like myself again.

Keep Smiling!

Keep Smiling!

Here are some tips to get back on track:

1. Pack your lunch. It may take a few minutes each night, but it will save you money and help you lose weight. We tend to make bad decisions when we buy prepared food from a cafeteria, because we really don’t know what is in it. So ditch the fast food and bring a brown bag.

2. Find a fellow workout mama and push each other. You can motivate one another to reach your goals. Whether you hit the gym together or send inspiring texts, working with a partner is always better then doing it alone.

3. Count calories. I am addicted to My Fitness Pal. You can track everything, and I mean everything you eat. It’s a free app you can download right to your smart phone. It helps keep you honest about your eating habits – even when snacking!


4. Keep a snack in you purse. Some of my WORST food decisions are made when I am starving or stressed. We find instant gratification with a cookie or a brownie, but remember ladies, a moment on the lips is forever on the hips. So I like to keep protein bars or rice cakes in my purse. Find out what your go to healthy snack is and keep it on hand. I also like to eat a snack before I go out to dinner. This way I eat less and have plenty of leftovers to take home.

DROP the cookie!

DROP the cookie!

5. Don’t beat yourself up! Take it day by day. Sometimes I look at pre-prego pictures and get so discouraged. But I just remind myself of how lucky I am to have a healthy, beautiful baby and I’m on cloud nine. I know I will get back to where I once was, but I need to take it a day at a time. Don’t sweat the small stuff!


Happy Thursday, Mama’s! Have a great weekend.



5 Simple Things To Do Before Bed

Hi Mama’s,

Life gets crazy, doesn’t it? The days seem to race by. Between juggling motherhood, a career, family time and a personal life there is little time for chores. And who really wants to do them anyway. But allowing time for the simple things can help eliviate some of our daily stress which equals a happy mama. (Happy Wife = Happy Life)


Right before bedtime :)

Here are some things I like to do during the work week about 30-minutes before bed. This routine helps prepare me for the next day and also helps me to relax before bedtime.

1. Turn off your phone. I admit it, I am addicted to my phone and I hate it. I’m constantly checking work related emails, text messages and social media sites when I get home from work. But family time comes first and everyone else can wait. This is your time to relax and unwhind without interruption.

2. Your gym bag – PACK IT! There are so many mornings I have missed out on the gym simply because I did not have time to pack my gym bag. Well, now I simply pack it the night before and take it with me to work. My company provides us with an amazing gym and I intend to take full advantage. Take your time packing your bag, make sure you have everything you need. Your health is your wealth, without it, you have NOTHING.

My HUGE gym bag.

My HUGE gym bag.

3. Throw in a load of laundry. I try and keep up with the never ending heap of clothes by doing a load each night. There is nothing worse then spending your weekends doing laundry and other various house chores. Do yourself a favor and do it! You will thank me.

4. Read your little one a story. Hunter received so many different books and they are my most treasured gifts. Reading helps make both mommy and baby sleepy.

Hunter, almost 4 months old.

Hunter, almost 4 months old.

5. Run the dishwasher. There is nothing worse then a sink full of dirty dishes from last night’s dinner. I used to be guilty of piling up the sink. (I know mom, you taught me better then that.) Now I make a habit of running the dish washer at least 5 nights a week. The kitchen always looks clean and I don’t have to stare at a messy sink as I enjoy my morning coffee.

Just a few tips from me to you to make life a little easier!

Have a WONDERFUL week.



Confessions of a Working Mama

Happy Monday,

Today is bittersweet. On one hand, it’s my last day of maternity leave and an opportunity to snuggle with my little one all day. On the other hand, tomorrow comes too soon and I’ll be dropping him off at daycare in less then 24-hours.

Snuggles all Day!

Snuggles all Day!

Gah, I cannot believe my maternity leave is over. Nothing prepares you for this, nothing. It all goes by so fast, like a dream. But I knew this was never going to be my reality. And I also know I am not alone. I know millions of other women have had to do the same thing, but it just doesn’t feel fair. As a woman and now a mother, it just doesn’t feel natural leaving your little one with someone other then you.

So, let’s face it, there will be tears and I will likely not sleep tonight. But life does go on. And at the end of the day, I am so thankful for my job and a career that I LOVE. My job affords me the lifestyle I lead, pays my bills and provides for Hunter. It is just something I have to do.

Luckily for this mama, I found strength in my girlfriends. They have been my rock through this entire process. I am surrounded by four beautiful, amazing mother’s who kept their careers and juggled motherhood. And we all had babies within two months of each other – how amazing is that? We share stories with each other, (the good, the bad and the ugly) text one another for support and meet for dinner every month or so. Below, meet Team Baby Bump 2014. They are my angels. Hunter is the only boy, all the rest had girls – lucky guy!

Team Baby Bump - L-R Jennifer, Karen, Erica, Michelle and me :)

Team Baby Bump – L-R
Jennifer, Karen, Erica, Michelle and me :)


So, to all my mama’s out there going back to work soon, just know you are not alone. Find strength in other women who have been there. If they don’t live nearby, pick up the phone and give them a call. And give yourself a pat on the back, you are a warrior, motherhood is a FULLTIME job and your most important role. Try and find a healthy balance between work and family – but know that family comes first!


I would personally like to thank my dear friends Jenn, Michelle, Erica and Karen. You have all been a HUGE support system for this mama. You all are so strong and I admire you in many ways!

HI-HO, HI-HO, IT’S BACK TO WORK I GO…tomorrow. Until then, I will be snuggling my little one.

